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Are you so busy that life just seems to be out of balance? Are you losing touch with your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health? Since Life today is so complex and demanding, it’s more important than ever to get back to basics. Daibo Zen invites you to slow down, examine the fundamental aspects of your own life and identify the gaps that separate them. Devoting only a few minutes a day to the simple mental and physical exercises we talk about will help you regain unity and the peace of mind that comes from living a happy, healthy and successful life.

Why I started the Daibo Zen Blog

In October of 2019 I was ordained a Soto Zen Priest by Roshi Eran Junryu Vardi.  As part of the ceremony, I pledged to live way of the Bodhisattva and the life of a priest as follows:

  1. To be a priest is to live as Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, to devote one’s life to manifesting a Buddha-field among all realms of creation.
  2. I will be a great tree, rooted deeply in practice, providing any and all with shade, shelter and the breath of life.
  3. I will know and care for the members of my communities. I will do my best to listen well, care deeply and provide wise council when asked.
  4. I will assist in developing and conducting the liturgy and ceremonies of each Community. I will manifest and maintain practice and places for practice.
  5. I will study the Dharma, embody the Dharma and share the Dharma.
  6. I will open the Gate of Enlightenment, stand just outside that threshold hearing the cries of existence, and help usher all creation through.

This experience was transformative in the sense that I was taken out of my individual spiritual practice and thrust into a larger practice focused on our collective condition.  This is both a selfless and selfish transition.  Having to focus on my relationship with other people has caused me to look at myself and examine where I am obstructed.  What am I holding onto and what am I giving up.

I started Daibo Zen to explore this transition and share my insights with each of you and provide ideas and resources to help you on your own spiritual journey.  The Daibo Zen Blog will focus on four main areas of coalescent exploration:

  1. Body – How does the state of our physical body effect our general well-being and happiness.
  2. Mind – How do our thoughts and preconceptions free us or obstruct us in the pursuit of our every-day lives.
  3. Spirit – How does our spiritual connection to each other and the universe at large effect our perception of our created reality.
  4. Passion – How does our emotional state effect the reality we create around us.

I hope you will all join me on this spiritual journey of exploring the different parts of ourselves.  Please email me and share your embodiment journey.

About Daibō

Hello!  My name is Alexander Daibō (大波) Biagioli and I began my spiritual journey as a young man practicing in the traditions of the great Christian Mystics.  In 2002 I completed the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola and began sitting Zazen (seated meditation) regularly.  In 2011 I met my first Zen Teacher, Roshi Paul Genki Kahn, and began practicing Zen in the lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi. 

In 2014 joined the Zen Garland Sangha and later received Jukai (Buddhist precepts) from Genki Roshi, receiving the dharma name Daibō.  Since 2018, I have been a disciple of Roshi Eran Junryu Vardi and a member of the Eiryu-Ji Sangha also practicing in the lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi.

I hold the Master rank of 4th Degree Black Belt in TaeKwon Do from Grand Master T.H. Kim.  Throughout my journey, I have always coupled my spiritual practice with a robust physical embodiment practice.  Daibō means Great Wave, and my practice is to try to live harmoniously in the flow of my own name.