Appreciate Your Life

Here are 4 simple mediditations you can use as part of you daily practice of appreciation and acceptance:

Stay Enthuastic – Remember your WHY today. We don’t get burned out because of what we do. We get burned out because we forget why we do it.  Focus on your purpose and stay flexible and creative.

Be Thankful – When you are grateful for the things in your life, big and small, you always seem to find more things to be grateful about.

Replace “Have to” with “Get To” – Live life as a gift, not an obligation. We GET TO, we don’t HAVE TO. This simple shift can have a dramatic impact.

Be a Blessing to Others – We are blessed to be a blessing. This doesn’t have anything to do with material things (although it can). It’s about loving, serving and caring. It’s about choosing to make a difference in the lives of others each and every day.

I know this is easier said than done during these difficult times, but with the proper training and focus, we can learn to appreciate our lives in all circumstances.